Tutorials, Resources, Tricks and Tips


Rhinoceros 3D is a program that allows essentiellement the modeling of complex geometric shapes through the use of NURBS curves.

Rhinoceros Tutorials from YouTube

This list shows a series of tutorials from different You Tube channels:

Abhinav Goyal [EN] ChaosGroupTV [EN]
Alex Terzich [EN] Christopher McAdams {EN}
Alphonso Peluso [EN] Alan Rodríguez Carrillo [SP]
APDesign Videos [EN] Amiki Design [SP]
art_architecture_form [EN] Black Spectacles [EN]

[EN]: English, [SP]: Spanish, …


Grasshopper is a complementary Rhinoceros software that is mainly used to create 3D geometry through generative algorithms.

Grasshopper Tutorials from YouTube

Grasshopper tutorials from different You Tube channels:

Paramarch [EN]
Abhinav Goyal [EN] Om. egvo [EN]
Alex Terzich [EN] NAD LAB [EN]
Alphonso Peluso [EN] mostafa rabea [EN]
Alan Rodríguez Carrillo [SP] HOW TO RHINO [EN]
Amiki Design [SP] June Lee [EN]

[EN]: English, [SP]: Spanish, …

Books, Guides, Libraries, Resources


This website give a diary of experiments on design geometry, parametric modeling, digital fabrication and related pedagogical issus of design education.

Explode_BReps @ UVa

This website show a growing and dynamic catalog of grasshopper definitions and representations of their potential, (Source: Robin Dripps, T. David Fitzgibbon Professor of Architecture at the University of Virginia)


This website show a serie of samples of Grasshopper.


Computational Design Italy is a website with a collection of codes & grammars for Grasshopper, a generative modeling tool for Rhinoceros


Grasshopper learning resources and tutorialsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

Rhino in Education

This site give a Rhino support for students and teachers.

Grasshopper Annotations

This document pdf provide information about Grasshopper tutorials


Rhino Resources and tutorials

Generative Algorithms

Pdf documents that show Grasshopper resources and tutorials
(source: Zubin Khabazi)tempor


This document pdf provide information about Grasshopper tutorials


(Santiago Calatrava)
Tutorial Rhinoceros + Grasshopper 02Cursos Diseño + Arquitectura (YouTube)GRASSHOPPERES
CONTROL POINTSControl Point EditingRhinoGuide (YouTube)RHINOCEROSEN
Multiple AttractorsMultiple Attractors-Revisedun didiGRASSHOPPERENSample
OSMOTIC MEMBRANEhome/house: an architectural organismun didiGRASSHOPPERENFirst step of the project
SURFACEBuild Components on a Surface with GrasshopperNathan Melenbrink (YouTube)GRASSHOPPEREN
Box Morph
Grasshopper - Sistemas de Fachadas y SuperficesAlan Rodríguez Carrillo (YouTube)GRASSHOPPERES
PARAMETRIC TOWERGrasshopper - Parametric Tower ( tutorials 1 to 15)Paramarch (YouTube)GRASSHOPPEREN
LunchBoxgrasshopper tutorial - LunchBoxParamarch (YouTube)GRASSHOPPEREN